International Tales : Indonesia, 3
Participation from Indonesia, by Annisa Rafashafly Hudaya
Rora, 22 years old, lives in Bandung city, at the west of Java and studies at the Padjadjaran University, in pharmacy studies – follow her on instagram @annisarafashafly
As a young woman and an Indonesian inhabitant, stories that inspired me the most are feminist stories like this one. Women rights are Human rights !
RA Kartini was a famous Indonesian feminist figure who advocated for women’s education. Though Indonesian women are able to get proper education now, there still so many things to fight for, our rights, justice, and safe place.
Indonesian National Commission on Violence against Women has recorded that the number of sexual harassment case in Indonesia is still growing each year and most cases happen at home, and educational institutions, which are the place where everyone should feel the safest.
Yes, the fight isn’t over and we won’t ever stop fighting for our rights, justice, and to make everywhere become a safe place for everyone !
My participation is through draws and poetry. Drew with pencils and pastels – Indonesian culture elements with these specific violet flowers and characters from Indonesia history.
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noaderycke (11 décembre 2023). International Tales : Indonesia, 3. Festival Transversales. Consulté le 14 janvier 2025 à l’adresse